Infertility in women and natural treatments

Infertility in women is a problem that may last for long but will have a cure. By God’s permission, women are infertile when they are unable to conceive after at least one year of unprotected and regular sexual contact. Infertility also includes the inability to maintain pregnancy, Women have different health problems such as multiple ovarian syndrome, pelvic inflammatory disease, uterine fibroids, anemia, thyroid problems, sexually transmitted diseases, and other factors that can increase the risk of infertility such as excessive smoking The age of women increases (greater than 35 years), obesity, stress, irregular menstrual cycles and malnutrition. Infertility can lead to anxiety, isolation, and depression, and herbal infertility can help combat the main cause of infertility and increase the chances of pregnancy.

1 – treatment of infertility in women Bashawaganda (Indian Ginseng):
The Indian Ginseng herb is useful for women who have difficulty in pregnancy, and this herb is effective in maintaining the balance of hormones and promote the proper functioning of the genitals, and strengthens the muscles of the uterus, which protects women from repeated abortions, in addition, to help this herb to reduce levels of stress and stress I have a woman.
- Mix a tablespoon of Indian Ginseng powder in a glass of warm water.
- Drink the mixture twice a day.
- You should use this herb after consulting your doctor because it may cause some side effects.
2 – treatment of infertility in women with pomegranate:
Pomegranate fruit helps to carry easily as it works by increasing blood flow to the uterus and increasing the thickness of the lining of the uterus. To use pomegranate to increase fertility, flatten seeds and pomegranate seeds until you get smooth smoothing problems
- Mix the powders evenly and keep the mixture in a sealed container.
- Mix half a teaspoon of this mixture with a glass of warm water twice a day for a few weeks.
- You can also eat fresh pomegranate fruit or drink pomegranate juice.
- Read about the causes of delayed pregnancy that you should know because it is very important
3 – cinnamon and treatment of infertility in women:
Cinnamon helps maintain the healthy function of the ovary and is therefore effective in the fight against infertility and also helps in the treatment of PCOS, one of the main causes of infertility.
Cinnamon also works as an effective treatment for some health problems such as endometriosis, uterine fibroids, menstrual periods that can affect women’s fertility, and cinnamon helps prevent yeast infections.
- Add 1 teaspoon cinnamon powder to a cup of hot water, and drink the mixture once a day for a few months.
- You can also put cinnamon into your diet by sprinkling cinnamon powder on cereals, oatmeal, and yogurt
- You should not consume more than 2 teaspoons of cinnamon daily.
4- Dates:
Dates contain many nutrients that can help enhance the ability to carry. Dates are rich in vitamins A, E, B, iron and other minerals, which are essential for pregnant women and for the fetus during pregnancy.
Dates also help stimulate regular bowel movements and treat constipation.
- Add 10 to 12 dates (without seeds) with 2 tablespoons chopped coriander leaves to make a paste. Add a quarter cup of cow’s milk to the dough, boil it and cool it before drinking. Drink this mixture once a day for one week from the date of your last menstrual cycle.
- Take 6 to 8 dates daily as a healthy snack and add the chopped dates to yogurt, milk or juices.
5- infertility in women and get rid of it with warm water:
Drinking warm water helps clean the intestines and thus improves the reproductive system. It also helps to improve blood circulation. You should drink warm water daily.
6 – Olive oil and its effectiveness in the treatment of infertility in women:
Olive oil increases the chances of pregnancy effectively because of its high monounsaturated fat content. Unsaturated monounsaturated fats improve reproductive health, help fight any underlying problems and increase the chances of pregnancy being safely completed.
To use olive oil, drink 2 tablespoons of olive oil daily, and you can also use virgin olive oil to cook your daily meals or add them to salad sauces.
7- Eat a balanced diet:
Eating a fortified diet helps to improve fertility in women and helps to prevent health conditions and diseases that can cause infertility. It also increases women’s chances of pregnancy.
- Eat protein-rich foods like beans, spinach, chickpeas, peas, and lentils.
- Eat low-carbohydrate foods like brown rice and whole-wheat bread.
- Eat iron-rich foods to prevent ovulation problems, and iron-rich sources include beans, lean meats, green leafy vegetables, beets, barley, plums, apricots, raisins, and dates.
- Enter eggs into your diet because it contains vitamin D, which plays a major role in increasing fertility.
- Eat fruits and vegetables rich in antioxidants.
- Introduce healthy fats such as unsaturated fatty acids and omega-3 fatty acids into your diet as they help to increase fertility. These fats are found in fatty fish, avocados, nuts, and seeds.
- Avoid foods that are high in spices, tea, coffee, white sugar, white flour, refined grains, fries and seafood that contain a high percentage of mercury as these elements affect fertility in women.