How video games fool you and make you addicted to them? (The Skinner Box)

If you are a video game addict, you should know the truth about your addiction and your persistence in playing a certain game, not only because the game is fun or because you love it but you have been subjected to a psychology strategy called the Iskner Fund Theory. But who is Iskner and what is his experience?
Let me first introduce you to Iskner and his unique experience, which is now being applied to you.
After John Watson retired from the world of academic psychology, psychologists and behavioralists were eager to propose new forms of learning other than classical methods. One of the most important of these theories was the theory of effective influence by Börhaus Friedrich Skinner, known as B.F. Skinner.
Skinner built his theory on a simple fact that the study of observed behavior is much simpler than trying to study inner mental events. Skinner concluded a much less drastic study than the Watson study (1913), and considered the classical effect of simplistic theories of the interpretation of complex human behavior.
Famous for my. F. Skinner’s pioneering research in learning and behavior. He proposed a theory to study complex human behavior by studying voluntary responses that are shown by an organism when placed in a particular environment. He called these behaviors or responses as a verb, also called “adaptive adaptive learning,” but he was based on his theory of influence law, which was discovered by Edward Thorndike in 1905.
Learn to influence and adapt effectively:
B.F. Skinner’s theory of effective influence through the conduct of different experiments on animals. Use a special box known as the Skinner Box to experiment with rats. As a first step to his experiment, he put a hungry rat inside the Skinner box. The mouse was initially inactive in the box, but gradually with the start of adaptation to the box environment, he began to explore it. Eventually, the mouse discovered a lever, pressing it to release the food inside the box. After he fed up his hunger, he began to explore the box again, and after a while, pressed the lever for the second time after being fed again. This phenomenon continued for the third, fourth and fifth time. After a while, the hungry mouse pressed the arm once it was placed in a new box with the same lever. This is considered full adaptation.He also conducted B.F. Skinner experiment explained negative reinforcement. Skinner put a mouse in a similar room, but instead of keeping it hungry, he put the room into an unpleasant electric current. The restless mouse began to move desperately around the area and accidentally jumped the crane. Pressing the lever immediately stopped the flow of the power supply. After several times, the mouse had grown large enough to go directly to the crane to stop the electric current and give comfort to itself.Both experiments clearly explain the work of effective adaptation. The important part of any effective learning is to identify active behavior in the behavior environment.And here comes your turn.The conclusions of my experience are applied to you becoming a video game addict, so we will give you the most tricky tricks that apply the idea of Iskner to control you and make you addicted to video games.

Indulgence and convergence with truth :
Video game designers spend a lot of time developing the game, making the game experience immersive. This means that game designers strive to create a complete environment using audio and video, and thus keep this environment consistent with each other. The auxiliary equipment in game design has evolved to the point where the clouds are entirely skewed across the sky in the same direction as the gentle breeze propels the grass, while the audio file provides a wind sound that rises and falls to fit the motion.
This type of consistency may seem complete, but you just have to check YouTube to find the types of bugs that developers have missed, artificial characters stuck in motion, strange and inconsistent movements of characters in the scene, and so on. To see how it can work against keeping the players in fusion with the story. The more perfect the world is, the faster the player will become involved in it and this will begin with the identification of your personality and your search in this world.
Magic and isolation from reality :
What good is it to get away from reality if it is not at least better than reality? Some video games focus less on mastering the small details inside the game such as grass and zipper and focus more on explosions filled the screen and super groups and special moves amazing This is happening in combat games, which depend on your isolation from reality with a lot of movement and excitement and pumping adrenaline inside your body to have fun and ensure Your return to get this sensation again.Unlike World Games or MMORPG games, attraction-based video games do not want you to spend hours running, but want you to quickly start playing with your friends. This is why they focus on being fun in the short term by offering brilliant graphics, movement styles and the way to play the core. The Nintendo Wii was a pioneer in this sense, with many top titles based on between players and four players fighting each other, putting the focus on fun and play rather than realism and indulgence.
Progress in levels :
When it comes to it, we love the feeling as if we progress. This feeling is very strong (and very rare in the real world) that game designers include progress elements in almost every game, regardless of genre. However, games that rely heavily on progress are role-playing games (RPGs). In fact, many players will spend hours killing the same group of enemies to get levels and abilities just so they can move forward in the quest for progress and kill more enemies.Once the player has collected the points within the game, the time to progress increases, especially with MMORPG games, where the player can advance within the first few hours and gain levels quickly. Then, the game progresses. Therefore, the points required to jump from level 10 to level 20 involve more effort than level 1 to 10, for example. Spreading achievements makes players appreciate them more, and game designers know that. Such as films, and in order to prolong the game’s completion time, an easy way to do this is to expect without enhancing the game is to prolong the progress increasingly, forcing the player to spend more time playing to improve the level reached. Many players consider this a cheap move by game designers, so they have developed a related technology to help cover the slow progress.
Reward schedules :
Progress through the new levels and capabilities that come with it is part of the overall video rewards table. To make the stereotypical continuation of the game more palatable, however, game designers have independent rewards for progress. The most obvious is the gold or global currency that can be built to buy materials, but there are also side questions, secret items and many other bonuses that a player can get without progressing in the game.MMORPGs offer another step by making achievements that are completely separate from the levels and abilities necessary to advance through the game. These achievements are usually badges or honors given when the player devotes considerable time to a repetitive task like killing 100 or 1000 enemies of a certain kind. As such, they do not increase the game, but they keep the players playing for the boasting rights, thus playing a sense of accomplishment and pride.

Justice and equity:
Perhaps the most obvious psychological trick used by video games and attractive to our desire to make the world logical and follow some basic rules. In a video game, there is a direct correlation between effort and reward. If you play long enough, you will get levels or master the techniques to complete most of the games, and hope you enjoy them. In any genre, the player is first introduced with a slash game at first for his favor and becomes more difficult, but it remains fair. So fighting games seek to be balanced so that one person can not dominate others. The world in which you reward well for doing something you enjoy can be strong.It is not fair to call these tricks design techniques. For the most part, game designers employ them to make the game more enjoyable for players. Game designers are deliberately looking for psychological ways to make their games more convincing and entertaining, making them more addictive. But, in the end, a player who becomes addicted or becomes addicted to a certain game or the Internet world if there is no progress, bonus schedules, dazzle, indulgence, or fair play, people will find another place to escape reality , Whether in a good book or a casino all night long. Due to this method, people may not be encouraged to continue playing the worst thing in the world.